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My Ph.D Graduation Anniversary & Some Life Lessons I've Discovered

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Graduation Anniversary & Some Life Lessons I've Discovered

Today marks two years since I received my Ph.D. Public Health degree from Texila American University. How is it possible?! As is customary for me, I'm absolutely taken aback by how quickly time passes.

Graduation anniversaries carry with them a certain amount of sentimentality. Having the realization that so many things were different TWO years ago – including where I was living, what I was doing, how I got about the city, what my goals were for the following couple of months, and so on – brings back memories.

I absolutely miss it and have times when I wish I could go back, but then I remember how lucky I am to be living in the present. What a joy it is to reflect back on all of the amazing things that have occurred throughout the last 730 days of my life.


I'm also not one to pretend that everything is always rosy and rose-colored, either. I do experience a sense of melancholy because, during the last two years, there have undoubtedly been difficulties, and I believe it is vital to recognise this fact in order to go on.

Overall, however, I believe that looking back on this day will be the most satisfying since it will allow me to see how much I have grown and how much I have learned. All of my new experiences over the previous two years have profoundly impacted me and taught me more than I could have imagined possible. I'm going to share 10 of them with you today.

It is SO great to meet new individuals who have a variety of views, viewpoints, and past experiences. As a result, I knew I like meeting new people, but relocating to a city where you can count the number of people you know on one hand and immersing yourself in a huge community of new people is quite amazing.


Yes, I do miss it and do have times of wishing I could go back, but then I remember how blessed I am to be living in the present. When you look back over the previous 730 days, you can't help but be awestruck by everything that has occurred.

In addition, I'm not here to pretend that everything is always perfect. Due to the fact that challenges have most certainly been there in the previous two years and I believe it is vital to recognise that fact, I am filled with melancholy.

I am overjoyed to be able to celebrate my parents' 45th wedding anniversary, even though they were unable to attend my graduation for various reasons. I went to them and we had a tense celebration for their anniversary, my birthday, and my graduation all at the same time.


After it's all said and done, I believe that the most satisfying part of this day is taking stock of my accomplishments and learning from my mistakes in the past. All of my new experiences over the previous two years have profoundly impacted me and taught me more than I could have imagined. The 10 items that I'm presenting today are as follows:


It is SO great to meet new individuals who have a variety of opinions, viewpoints, and life experiences. As a result of this, I knew I like meeting new people, but relocating to a location where you can count the number of people you know on one hand and immersing yourself in an entire community of new people is quite amazing.

Maintaining frequent and regular communication with others will become much more difficult. Yes, it is possible; however, it requires more effort and self-forgiveness when it seems that you are not doing a good job at first. Everyone recognizes that they are overloaded, and everyone accepts this. It's only that now, instead of simply family members, you've got your college mates thrown in for good measure.

Just think of how lovely it is to be cherished and vulnerable in such a group like that, as well as adapt to so-called adult life.

It’s true – this adult thing has it’s challenges. But when you surround yourself with good people, keep working towards dreams, your faith, and stay focused on laughing and learning, it totally rocks.


Happy Monday, friends!


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Copyright © Dr. Nebiyu Lera Alaro, PHD 2025
