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A Letter To My Kindergarten Graduate

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Dr. Tinbit (TINA), Oh, The Places You’ll Go!


Sweet baby girl, I can’t believe your kindergarten year is over. Everyone told me it would go quickly and of course they were right. You survived a year of firsts: New friends, new school, new routine, and you did it all in stride. Your mom survived too, although I think you handled it better than I did.


Remember the first day when we walked hand in hand into that big new school building? I was so nervous for you and I think you were a little scared, although you did a good job hiding those jitters. I didn’t. My tears hit the moment I let go of your hand. I have a feeling that will happen a lot through the years.


 I’m sure I will cry at each new milestone you reach. You’ll just have to roll your eyes at me because I can’t help myself.

The tears flow because I’m so proud of the young lady you’ve become. You’re so smart and incredibly kind to your peers. You’re a little boy crazy, too—which might make your daddy cry someday. 

I’m a little sad. Not because you are growing up—that’s natural and wonderful and expected—but because the older you get, the closer goodbye becomes. Someday you’ll leave to make your own dreams and discover your own adventures. And I want that for you. But secretly, I’m already crushed at the reality that will be. You see baby girl, you (your Brother Amen , too) are the answer to my dreams. What a gift you’ve given me by just being you.

Dear Daughter, We Pray For You Now and Forever

I know this summer you’ll spend hours playing with your friends at the pool and in the yard and each hour of independence will make your mom seems less cool. And that’s OK. But I really hope we have at least a couple more school years like this one.


I loved walking hand in hand with you to your class each day and the smile I received each afternoon at pick-up will forever be etched in my heart.

I know how lucky I have been to get to see you off and pick you up each and every school day. Not many mamas are given that gift, Ella. It’s one I cherish. 

I loved having school lunch with you. You were so proud to have your mama sit next to you and lovingly introduced me to your friends. I wonder how long you’ll let that be. Can we never let it end?

RELATED: Daughter, I’ll Never Be Too Busy To Listen To You

I loved the school projects and the stars and smiley faces you received on each paper. You’ve learned so much in just a year! My hearts swells with pride when I hear you read your next chapter book or try so hard to write sentences without asking for help. Gosh you’re a smart 7-year-old! I’ve known it all along. 

Tina, my darling, you will always be wonderful, you will always be brave, you will always be beautiful, you will always be intelligent, you will always be strong, you will always be kind, you will always be perfect in my eyes.

I’m proud of you, now and forever and I’m so excited to watch you grow.

Love always and forever,


Your Parent Dr. Nebiyu and MS. Kalkidan


*"...Best awarded words in London ... "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food."


*''...Health is not a consumer good but a universal right, so access to
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*''...Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can
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*''...Impact is not just made from what you know but what you do with what
you know''         ---Dr. Nebiyu L. Alaro *

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